So, Bill won a Winston Boron rod this weekend. Yes, I know that we make bamboo fly rods and yes, I know that a bamboo fly rod maker should not be seen with a boron rod but the story is funny. While presenting at the SE FFF show, Bill decides last minute to enter his very first casting competition ever at 10:30 AM. By early evening, Bill won the overall category for distance (107 feet) and accuracy. The grand prize was a Winston rod and a Hardy reel. Now, my question is...
So, we are in the middle of a bamboo fly rod making class and it's a great group (as usual). We are in the thick of it scheduling our custom bamboo fly rod orders as well. Our waiting list continues to grow and we have a mean game of catch up (as usual). There's a long list of master series rods to complete so our bamboo fly rod maker turns into an engraver for a few weeks (at least). I think the hand engraving is a welcome break from the bamboo and classes. Also, Bill allows his artistic side to grow while engraving.
Meanwhile, the kids and I are preparing the students lunch so I'll have an excuse to go to the shop and work on my cast. If I cast 70 feet on boo, I get to buy a new pair of boots!